HOT Disney I'm a dogaholic face mask – Coronavirus

Disney I'm a dogaholic face mask – Coronavirus. The nurses and doctors went to the extreme to be creative to reuse the same masks, gloves and scrubs they needed to treat patients with infectious coronavirus. But if a prototype mask created by researchers proves widely effective, it could be a safer alternative to health care workers. Researchers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston developed iMASC, a new silicon mask that can be safely reused without fear of contamination. Researchers still need to analyze the effectiveness of capturing viral particles, but this is a promising step to address the critical shortage of health care supplies.

But health care workers had to reuse them in every way due to the shortage of masks and other PPE, such as scrubs and gloves. Doctors had to reuse devices that could potentially be contaminated, possibly exposing them or their patients to coronavirus. It is an alternative to not using any protection, even if reusing PPE has some risks. IMASC provides an equivalent level of protection to the N95 respirator, its creator said. That's partly because it uses the N95 filter without all the extra materials of the N95 mask capturing the particles. The masks are also based on the shape of regular N95 masks, but they are made of silicone rubber that can be disinfected after each use. The double mouth filters can also be replaced after each use, the researchers said.

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