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 Where do I now need to wear a face covering? How to make your own mask. Foggy glasses, recycling, kids: Your guide to wearing a mask. "Keep distance please!" reads a symbol within the window of Ragini Patel's stationery shop. She says all she will do is ask customers to wear face coverings but a number of the older customers, especially , don't listen. One customer was even aggressive when she reminded him about social distancing. "There's no point saying anything to anybody, you do not want to urge in trouble," she shrugs. Meanwhile, listener Paul said he had been on the receiving end of some "mask outrage" this morning in Maidenhead, Berkshire, when he went into Tesco without a face covering after a motorcycle ride.

He said it had been an "honest mistake" but a fellow shopper berated him. "She just visited town on me," Paul said. "I've been rightfully scolded." Like many shopping areas across the country, stores within the Liverpool One complex have put up signs telling customers to wear face coverings. But Susan Green, 57, in Liverpool, said: "I think it's a touch bit late to possess introduced this and much of individuals I've seen this morning aren't even wearing one. "It won't put me off coming to the shops because i will be out anyway but it does seem a touch unnecessary." Liverpool One also features a new slot machine selling face coverings during a multitude of designs - and that they have sprung abreast of other high streets too. Back in Camberwell, at the Scope charity shop, Dawn Suleyman says just one customer has are available today without a face covering - and was grateful when she handed her a spare.

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